








The Center sponsors a wide range of events, lectures, and workshops for scholars, faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students.

A list of current CSRS events can be found on our calendar.


A broader calendar of Department of Sociology events is also available.


Research and Analysis in the Sociology of Religion

The RASR workshop meets several times every semester.  It engages faculty and students with key pieces of literature related to empirical research, measurement, and data analysis in the sociology of religion; teaches some alternative approaches to basic data analysis strategies in the sociology of religion; and provides an informal seminar‐based context for the collective reading, discussing, and critiquing of each others' scholarly papers in sociology of religion.

Young Scholars in the Society of Religion

The YSSR is bi-annual, 2-day conference brings together dozens of the most promising young scholars in the sociology of religion from around the country to discuss their work and the larger intellectual issues and directions in the field.

Annual Awards Dinner

At the conclusion of each Spring semester, faculty, students, and affiliates of the Center gather to discuss the progress of their current research projects.  At this dinner, the The William V. D'Antonio Award honors the scholarly labors, achievements, and promise of the graduate student determined most to merit the award in each year.